There are only 39 more days to go before "New Worlds"!
All You Really Need To Know You'll Learn From Harry Potter (adapted from Robert Fulghum's "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten")
Most of the important things that you need to know "about how to live and what to do and how to be", can be found in the Harry Potter books. There is wisdom in the magical happenings at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and in the adventures of the characters. Here are some of those lessons:
Share everything. Whether it be anti-Dementor spells, the Lockhart books you got for free, a Marauder's Map, or the very last Chocolate Frog in your pocket.
Play fair. Remember the way Cedric Diggory competed.
Put things back where you found them or don't take them at all. (Lockhart and the Cornish Pixies. You get the picture.)
Clean up your mess... or Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris will be after you.
You should not take things that aren't yours. There are severe consequences. (Cases in point: Hermione grew fur and a tail. Barty Crouch Jr. was Kissed. Lockhart stole the memories of others and lost his in the end.)
Say sorry when you hurt somebody. (Or you might find her locked up in the bathroom, being attacked by a Troll.)
Wash yourself up after Herbology.
Flush. But be sensitive to ghosts who might be inhabiting the toilet.
Hot chocolate can always cheer you up. (If it doesn't, try a bottle of Butterbeer).
Live a balanced life. - Study some and play Quidditch some and take a trip to Hogsmeade some and attend deathday parties and balls and feasts and lobby for house elf rights and hang out in the common room and ride hippogriffs and eat Canary Creams and set off Filibuster fireworks some.
Take a nap after time-turning and studying too much.
"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided... Differences of habit and language (and maybe even species!) are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."
Be aware of magic.
Handsome Hogwarts Triwizard Champions, spiders, unicorns, even phoenixes -- they all die. So do we. (But phoenixes rise again).
And then remember those children's books and the first words you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK. (Look around corners with a mirror first, before walking on, lest you encounter a Basilisk).
And here are a few more:
If someone makes you angry, control yourself. Don't just whip out your wand and start cursing. (You might turn into a white bouncing ferret or start belching out slugs.)
It is good to possess the values important to the Hogwarts Four: courage, wisdom, hard work and loyalty, and ambitiousness, but only in moderation. Too much of each will lead one down the wrong path.
The easy way is not always the right way.
" the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
Love is good and powerful ancient magic. It conquers all. Even Avada Kedavra.
"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" - Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon.
And of course, who can forget: CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
Discover all you need to know about magic.
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention March 12, 2003, Premiere THX Cinema Compound
posted by: ginnyskywalker
Friday, January 31, 2003
3:20:12 PM Inbox Campaign: January 31, 2003 - Spirit Possession: A Short Dissection
There are only 40 more days to go before "New Worlds"!
Spirit Possession: A Short Dissection
Some alleged cases of possession are hard to explain. At face value, they seem supernatural, but Howard Gordon (X-Files writer) is just one of the many who feel that cases suggestive of possession are more likely to be psychiatric in origin. "I believe there probably are physiological explanations for these extraordinary perceptions...Having experimented myself with a number of hallucinogens I know that the mind is capable of great imaginatin when given enough opportunity."
Indeed, Scully was bang-on in her intimation that mental disturbance can cause unconventional behavior.
Outlandish claims --- and a belief that they are true --- are a common symptom of mental illness and, without a doubt, some cases of "spirit possession" can easily be attributed to insanity. Then again, you have to admire the sheer balls of psychologist William James, who posited that some cases of insanity could be put down to spirit possession.
Although popular fodder for drama, this condition is rare --- roughly 200 accounts of it have been published in international medical literature during the last 90 years.
The syndrome first came to the public's attention in 1957, courtesy of psychiatrists Corbett Thigpen and Hervey Cleckley whose bestseller "The Three Faces of Eve" --- later to become a movie --- detailed their involvement with a patient named Eve White. A couple of decades later, the public's morbid appetite for real-life tales of psychosis was given a new lease of life by another page-to-screen offering: "Sybil", the story of a woman whose mental smorgasborg of 16 personalities and backstory of savage abuse in her childhood, made the story of Eve look like something by Enid Blyton.
Abuse and trauma appear to have played a role in many cases of multiple personality, but not all. And it is not a clearly delineated syndrome. It has been variously interpreted as psychotic role-playing in order to attract attention, and "eruption" of the id --- the part of the personality thought to control the "base" emotions (sex-drive, hedonism, anger) --- and as a particularly extreme example of:
Typically, "dissociation" is a mental safety mechanism: something is too much to cope with, you become convinced that you are no longer you, and --- hey presto --- the trauma is no longer yours. Victims of violence or abuse often experience a mild form of dissociation, hence the commonly heard claim: "I felt like it was happening to someone else." But if psychosis also comes into play, the sufferer ceases to be aware that they are _not_ someone else.
Psychologist Dr. Thelma Moss recorded a case of a woman who believed that she was the Virgin Mary. The sad fact soon emerged that the disturbed woman had only turned int o the Virgin Mary when her husband had returned from two years service in Vietnam. no doubt expecting a resumption of his conjugal rights.
Any of the above conditions could conceivably be mistaken for possession, but we are still left with the problem of knowledge that could not be acquired naturally --- the same stubling block that is hit in cases suggestive of reincarnation.
(Source: The X-Files Book of the Unexplained vol. 1 by Jane Goldman. Simon and Schuster. 1996)
All spirits are welcome.
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention March 12, 2003, Premiere THX Cinema Compound
posted by: ginnyskywalker
Thursday, January 30, 2003
4:38:53 PM Inbox Campaign - January 30, 2003: Rack up those "pogi points" the Star Wars way!
Have red and black body tattoo, with matching mini-horns on your head and a bad-a*s attitude. Body must remain whole to count.
Sport the Jedi Padawan hairstyle.
Be green and ancient, have pointy ears, talk in a weird grammar... Pretending to need a walking stick then kicking bu*t in a lightsaber duel earns you full points and an acting nomination.
Zap your enemies with lightning from your fingertips.
Dress in an All-Black Menacing Armor with heavy breathing sounds for ambiance.
Build your own podracer from parts in your boss' junkyard.
Build your own protocol droid from parts in your boss' junkyard.
Get yourself a feisty and smart astromech droid who always saves the day.
Have a big walking carpet with a bowcaster for a bodyguard.
Get your own Clone Army.
Better yet, get a whole army of YOUR clones.
Have the only purple colored lightsaber in a sea of green and blue blades.
Use a corny pick-up line like "Are you an Angel?" and get a Queen/Senator to marry you.
Use the one-second "I am a Jedi and I will seduce you" smirk.
Be the "Chosen One" and bring "balance" to the Force.
Zoom around the galaxy in your very own Super Star Destroyer.
Have the most powerful force in the universe otherwise known as a fully operational battle station.
Wear a skimpy gold bikini. Being chained to a drooling Hutt does not count.
Wear a really tight, white, cat-scratched, action suit. This time, being chained to a pillar counts.
Get elected to watch your people suffer and die while they discuss things in a committee.
NOT saying 'Dellow Felegates' in front of 1,028 senatorial representatives of the Galactic Republic while proposing to grant emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor.
Be the last two Jedi Knights to survive your own apprentice's Jedi killing spree.
Get into "aggressive negotiations".
Wear Jedi robes. Flip the hem over a swoop bike for added effect.
Be a stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder, then earn 20 million dollars per movie 25 years later.
Impress the whole galaxy.
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention March 12, 2003, Premiere THX Cinema Compound
posted by: ginnyskywalker
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
3:57:09 PM Inbox Campaign - January 29, 2003: Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, Adapted
Only 42 days left before the Convention!
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, adapted for "New Worlds"
Rule One - "Once you have the Hobbit's money, you never give it back." Rule Two - "Never spend more for 'The One Ring' than you have to." Rule Three - "Never allow family to stand in the way of a Vampire." Rule Four - "Keep your ears away from the Light Saber." Rule Five - "Opportunity plus instinct equals Toydarian." Rule Six - "Latinum is accepted anywhere, even Middle Earth." Rule Seven - "A deal is a deal. Unless it's with an FBI agent." Rule Eight - "A contract is a contract, but only between FBI agents." Rule Nine - "An Elf without latinum is just an Elf. Don't bother." Rule Ten - "Never place friendship above Mount Doom." Rule Eleven - "A wizard can hear profit in the wind. Wizards are Ferengi." Rule Twelve - "Never insult a Giant's mother. Especially if the Giant is a Jedi." Rule Thirteen - "It always hurts to suck up slugs. Unless you're a Ferengi." Rule Fourteen - "War is good for business. The FBI says so." Rule Fifteen - "Peace is good for business. The FBI still says so." Rule Sixteen - "Don't trust a wizard wearing a better suit than your own." Rule Seventeen - "The bigger the smile, the sharper the stake." Rule Eighteen - "Good customers are as rare as jedi -- treasure them." Rule Nineteen - "Free advice is seldom cheap. Especially if it comes with hand waving." Rule Twenty - "The riskier the road, the more exciting the patrol." Rule Twenty One - "Buy a ticket, it's cheap."
Learn Business the Ferengi way.
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention March 12, 2003 - Premiere THX Cinema Compound
This whole New Worlds alliance has sparked some crossover lines and scenarios from the members. Here are some examples (thanks to Hector from TPTS).
Ron Weasley in a crossover scenario: Follow the Sith??! Why can't it be follow the ewoks?
Gimli! How many times do I have to tell you my ship runs on dilithium crystals, not mithril?!?!
Around the uruk-hai, a dyson sphere create.
Live long, and sail West.
Your love for the holo-deck has clearly clouded your mind.
Mile Long Complex, the final frontier...these are the voyages of SWP, TPTS, Pinoy Slayers, et al, at least until ROTK. Their mission? To exhange new stories, sell collectibles, watch a movie premiere, for Dumbledore's sake. To do what no local fan group has done before!
(no, this is obviously not Galadriel): In place of a Dark Lord you shall have a Sith!
He is no mere pilot. He is Luke, son of Anakin. And the heir to the Force. You owe him your Millenium Falcon.
Dumbledore to Gandalf: Swish and flick. Swish and flick. Not your hair, wizard, your staff!!!! :p (sorry, Secret Diaries overload!)
Elengoth sila lumenn omentielvo. The Death Star shines on the hour of our meeting.
(when Counselor Troi encounters a vampire): Captain, I feel pain, terrible pain... But I do not see any lifesigns from the subjects.
The thirst is strong in my family... my father has it... I have it... my fellowship has it...
Gollum: Like gach, hobbitses are best served live. :)
This New Worlds Convention has now made the whole crew a little worried with me lowering the shields for those Star Destroyers. I keep on reassuring them that it's the Jedis that are manning those ships now, but they insist that this Force thing is still giving them the jitters. The Fellowship has reported in from their away mission, the Hogwarts faculty will soon post battle station assignments, the Slayers are on some kind of adrenaline rush and those FBI agents tell us they know what's behind this Force thing but cannot disclose it's source yet. Everything seems to be going in the right direction, and still my anxiety is at it's peak. Maybe I should return this emotion chip to Data.
There are now only 43 days to go until "New Worlds"!
How To Make Lembas (The Waybread of the Elves):
1/2 stick butter (unsalted)
1 cup oat flour or ground oats
1 cup flour
1 egg
1/4 cup milk
1 Tablespoon. oil
1 Tablespoon. honey
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 - 1/2 tsp. cloves or other spice of your choice
Directions: Cream the butter and then throw everything else in...then knead it out with lots of flour as needed, roll out the dough, cut into rounds, and bake at 350 degrees for about ten minutes.
How to Enjoy Lembas:
Get captured by Uruk-Hai of the White Hand, break free, and have a picnic beside the orc-massacre c/o the Rohirrim.
Converse with a talking tree and drink some entdraught.
Run after Uruks who kidnapped your Halfling friends, then whip some out for a nibble.
Use it as bait for Crabbe and Goyle.
Lembas absorbs holy water too. Offer it to the next undead you see.
It's just like Skyfl*kes, kahit na ano puwedeng ipatong!
Dunk it in tsokolate-eh.
Loofa substitute.
Middle-earth gourmet comes your way!
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention March 12, 2003, Premiere THX Cinema Compound
Geeks take over one hour out of yesterday's episode of NU 107's Zack and Joey In The Morning to talk about myth-man J.R.R. Tolkien, his works, and The Philippine Tolkien Society. Participants in the interview were TPTS list-owner Egay Bayani, moderators Ian Roxas and Data Tolentino, members Glenda Gonzales and Vicente Velasco.
The interview started at 8:00am with the two hosts asking general questions about the group, and our individual stories about our love-affair with Tolkien's works. Things got very interesting when Rashbold (Velasco) revealed the depth of his "fandom" so to speak. He has been a Tolkien fan for more than twenty years. And a good part of that time he has devoted to learning JRRT's invented languages, with special focus on Quenya, the High-Elven tongue.
For an entire hour after that, questions about Middle-earth lore poured in from NU 107 listeners, which we happily answered. Or rather, which we happily let Rashbold answer. With his knowledge spanning years of correspondence with fellow Tolkien-lore scholars, volumes of published material, he was definitely the man (or fan) for the job. The others contributed their own knowledge of lore as well.
Listener feedback was great, with comments and questions coming in via the station's SMS-feedback system, the hosts' personal mobile phones, and the station's landline. Clearly, there are many more Tolkien fans, and fantasy fans in general, out there. They're either itching to find fellow-fans or are in a state of denial about their own geekiness. In any case, TPTS is happy to announce that there has been a barrage of requests to join the mailing list following the interview. And the group is hoping that those who are still "in the closet" will come out soon, so as to join the fun.
Everyone was excited as well, when we announced that New Worlds: 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention will happen on March 12, to coincide with the premiere of Star Trek Nemesis, with TPTS joining forces with the Pinoy Harry Potter, Pinoy Slayers, Star Wars Philippines, Via Astris, and X-Philes.
The guesting ended with Joey inviting the New Worlds participants to drop by the show just before the Con. Not a bad deal at all!
Nai i Vala nauva aselye! May the Force be with you (in Quenya)!
posted by: u l a n
Monday, January 27, 2003
5:03:40 PM Welcome to the Weblog for New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention!
I would personally like to acknowledge Laurice of TPTS/SWP for helping out with the blog layout. :)
There are now only 44 days to go until the convention!
Signs that your boyfriend's soul has been taken by gypsies:
1. Suddenly, he never wears anything but leather pants. 2. He keeps hanging out with a skinny blond British guy and a crazy-talking spooky English chick. 3. He stole the eyeliner from your makeup bag, and he uses it more than you do. 4. Even if he wakes up naked and in a daze after losing his soul, he ends up screaming your name in a rain-soaked alley WITH PANTS ON. 5. You caught him reading "Evil for Dummies." 6. He keeps doing that annoying "Do you think I'm sexy, baby?" Austin Powers impression, then he laughs in your face when you threaten to stake him. 7. He's wearing a "Gypsies suck" t-shirt and a "Lose your soul now! Ask me how!" button. 8. He thinks karaoke is a force for good. 9. His hair stands straight up and he's bloody stupid. 10. He used to be lame. Now he got HOT. 11. He kidnaps your stuffy-yet-sexy father figure and tortures him for information on how to unleash a demon that will suck the world to hell.
Want more Buffy the Vampire Slayer-smarts?
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention March 12, 2003, Premiere THX Cinema Compound