discovering new worlds

Saturday, February 22, 2003

3:39:50 AM
Captain's Blog: Stardate 30222.0311

The search for Darth Voldemort, Lord of the Dominion, Agent of the Hellmouth, is becoming futile. Defeating the Borg was child's play compared to the task at hand.

We've started sending out clones of Xander, armed only with replicas of Sting, that glow when evil is in the vicinity, and a mission to deliver summons to all crime syndicates that the FBI could identify. For now, the fate of the Federation lies in the hands of the Slayer sidekick, with the help of the Jedi mind trick to overcome his extreme fear of clowns.

Mission Completion is expected on Stardate 30301.0000, when all Xander clones are expected back. In the meantime, all wizards and witches are advised to practice their spells, slayers sharpen their stakes, agents and elves to the target range, hobbits to their burrows, and starfleet personnel to battle readiness exercises. The fate of this Combined Universe lies in our common desire to make this journey into the unknown a success.

Computer, end blog...

posted by:     Paolo J      

Thursday, February 20, 2003

5:19:05 PM
Inbox Campaign: February 20, 2003

There are 20 more days to go before New Worlds!

Could YOU be a Slayer? Are you destined for a short yet exciting life fighting vampires, demons and the forces of darkness? Take this simple quiz and find out!!!

1. Are you a fairly attractive young female, around 14 to 17 years old? (50 points)

2. Are you being stalked by an old British guy who keeps nagging you about your "destiny"? (5 points)

3. Do you have excellent hair-flipping skills? (5 points)

4. Do you have a strange fondness for wooden stakes, swords and other pointy weapons? (5 points)

5. In the face of danger, do you feel the urge to pun? (5 points)

6. Do you seem to have a problem getting along with authority figures? (3 points)

7. Are you weirdly attracted to mysterious, cute, pale-skinned guys in long leather coats? (5 points)

8. Do many strange things happen in your town, such as corpses disappearing from graves or ritual sacrifices in the school library? (5 points)

9. Are you wicked strong? (60 points)


0-10 points: There's no way you're the Chosen One, but there's an excellent chance you'll live a long uneventful life.

13-58 points: You may not be the Slayer, but you could be a Slayerette!

60- 93 points: You could be a potential Slayer. Any moment now, the current Chosen one might croak, so start practicing your high kicks ASAP.

110 - 143 points: Congratulations! You are a Vampire Slayer, chosen to fight evil creatures and keep the world safe from any apocalypses that may come! To
help you in your noble mission, you are hereby bestowed with your very own stuffy yet sexy British Watcher, fabulous shampoo-commercial hair, and an
unlimited supply of leather outfits. Good luck!

Find out your true potential at..

New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention
March 12, 2003; Premiere THX Cinema Complex

posted by:     ginnyskywalker      

5:09:09 PM
Yesterday's Inbox Campaign


1. Scully and Doggett's first meeting
Episode "Within" (8x01)

What happened: Mulder is missing, and the FBI is investigating his disappearance. A fuming Scully throws water into the face of her soon-to-be new partner, John Doggett.

WHY IT IS SOOO COOL: With Mulder gone, we all knew that Scully would be getting a new partner,but we didn't expect it to start off so disastrously!

X-TRA: So they didn't hit it off initially, but after a few tense moments their relationship endured and The X-Files was given a whole new lease of life.

AND: Check out other cool first meetings: Mulder and Scully in Pilot, Mulder greeting new partner Kryceck in Sleepless.

2. Black Oil Experimentation...on Mulder
Episode: Tunguska (4x09)

WHAT HAPPENS: Mulder is used as a human guinea pig when Russians try to develop their own vaccine against the black oil virus.

WHY IT IS SOOO COOL: ONe of the most unforgettable images in X-Files history. This really is the stuff of nightmares; trapped, unable tomoveand on the verge of suffocation- Mulder has never looked more helpless or scared. In a grim Russian gulag, no onecan hear you scream.

X-TRA: The blackilis a sentient viral extraterrestrial life form that gestates an alien being in its human victims. The Syndicate began developing a vaccine in the 1970x. Aliens plan to take over the universe by infecting all other lifeforms with the virus.

3. Scully breaks down
Episode: Badlaa (8x12)

WHAT HAPPENS: After the weirdest season eight caseof all (involving a perception-altering killer), Scully finally breaks down in front of Doggett, confessing to him that it's all been an act: she's been pretending to be a believer all along, making such huge leaps because it's what Mulder would do. But she can't do it any more.

WHY IT IS SOOO COOL: it breaks your heart to see Scully so shaken by her recent experiences. She has been desperate to try and see things through Mulder's eyes. His absence has forced her to become a believer, and she finally admits that she's not comfortable with it.

X-TRA: If you like this you'll also like Scully's beautifully-acted confessions in "Revelations" and "All Souls"

4. Scully meets other female abductees
EPISODE: Nisei (3x09)

WHAT HAPPENS: Scully encounters a group of female abductees who recognise her from the 'test'

WHY IT IS SOOO COOL: The scene where a room fullof woman produce bottles and containers with their implants is one of the haunting and shocking X-Files moments-ever. In short, unforgettable.

X-TRA: Scully discovered her implant whilst passing through a mental detector in "The Blessing Way".More light was shed on the chip in "Memento Mori", where she learned that she was dying from cancer. She was close to death in "Redux II" but miraculously her illness went into remission.

5. The murder of Mulder's Dad
EPISODE: "Anasazi" (2x25)

WHAT HAPPENS: Bill Mulder is murdered in his own house by Alex Krycek. He dies in his son's arm, begging forgiveness.

WHY IT IS SOOO COOL: So close to the truth, this is yet more pain for Mulder to endure. Just how much more heartache can one man take?

X-TRA: Let's face it, you really wouldn't want to be related to Mulder and Scully. Mulder's sister disappeared, his dad was murdered and Scully's sister was also murdered (in a case of mistaken identity).

6. Mulder and Scully's icy confrontation
EPISODE : Ice (1x07)

WHAT HAPPENS: Paranoid over who may have been infected by an alien parasite, Mulder and Scully draw their weapons on each other

WHY IT IS SOOO COOL: Dramatic, intense, and riveting, this is the first moment where we see their faith in one another really tested- and their trust.

X-TRA: It's notonly the only time Mulder and Scully have drawn their guns on one another. Scully shot Mulder in "Anasazi", and they repeatedlly shot one another (sort of) in How the Ghost Stole Christmas

7. Scully's Soliloquy
EPISODE: Max (x18)

WHAT HAPPENS: Toying with the Apollo 11 keyring Mulder gave her for her bday, Scully takes a moment to reflect on recent events; their personal repercussions and the meaning of life.

WHY IT IS SOO COOL: While some mythology episodes tend to lack a sense of close, "Max" features a truly powerful conclusion. Scully delivers a truly breathtaking, equisitively written soliloquy about life, sacrifices, and dreams. One of those moments that really brings a lump to your throat.

Reality is only a point of view.

New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention
March 12, 2003; Premiere THX Cinema Compound

posted by:     ginnyskywalker      

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

12:40:19 PM
(from an unknown source)

Note: Certain stages mention "shows" but this generally applies to most New Worlds universes....

This is the stage where you first discover a show/movie and decide you like it and want to watch it on at least a semi-regular basis. If you're home and it's on, you'll watch it. You'll read magazine articles about the show if you see them. Mention of the show on an entertainment newsmagazine will catch your attention. If someone else mentions the show in casual conversation it will prompt you to respond in some way. Most people and most shows never make it out of Stage One.

At Stage Two, schedule rearrangements so as not to miss the show begins to occur. Taping of shows you're forced to miss is another sign that you've reached Stage Two. At this stage, *you'll* be the one bringing up the show in casual conversation. You may find yourself finding people who are also fans of the show to discuss it over the water cooler. The purchasing of magazines with articles about the show, magazines that you wouldn't ordinarily buy, is another symptom. Stage Two is still quite common amongst the general, non-sci-fi populace.

Stage Three is where we start to get into areas that we'd call "fandom." Its most distinguishing feature is the taping of shows for a permanent episode collection and not merely for later viewing if you're not home. Other features: saving magazines and TV Guides that contain articles about the show, watching the show with a friend who is at Stage Three or higher, and organizing season finale or premiere parties. Stage Three is still relatively prevalent in the'd be surprised how many people have tape collections, especially soaps.

Okay, now we're getting into serious fandom. At Stage Four, the fan will begin to search out and peruse websites about the show in question. Usually, it also involves the creation of a bookmark folder for sites about the show. Extensive and decorative labelling and cross-referencing of the fan's tape collection may take place. The fan may
actively seek out and tape TV news stories or features about the show.

Stage Five is tricky. It has two major components which I've observed have roughly the same level of commitment attached but do not always occur at the same time: membership to show-oriented mailing lists, and reading of fanfiction. If a person is either on mailing lists OR reading fanfic, they're at Stage Five. They may be doing both. Stage Five also includes perusal of USENET groups and active seeking (or avoidance of) spoilers from websites or newsgroups. Stage Five is where we first start to see fans begin to form connections with larger communities of fellow fans, usually in the form of fanclub memberships. It is also at this stage that we begin to see interest in acquisition of merchandise, and where fans begin to gravitate towards one specific character and/or actor and/or relationship from the show in question (though this does
not always occur).

Just started going to conventions? Welcome to Stage Six. It has many features: the eponymous convention attendance, increased interest in things like autographs and merchandise, participation if peripheral show-oriented activities like role-playing games (RPG), CD-ROMS, and the like. Not all fans experience all aspects of Stage Six. For example, some collect autographs but have limited interest in merchandise and never do RPG. I would also count mailing-list administrators among the Stage Sixers... running a list is a greater commitment than just being on one.

Stage Seven is like Stage Five in that it has two distinguishing features, both of which need not be present: the writing of fanfiction and the creation of small websites. In a way the two activities are quite similar. Most Stage Seven websites are places for the fan to hang their fiction, links lists, some sort of statement from the fan, that sort of thing. Many Stage Seven fans do not participate in this, relying on Stage Eight fans for their web representation...far more common is the fanfiction aspect of Stage Seven. Be it bad fanfic or good fanfic, if you're writing it you've demonstrated a level of commitment that gets you up here where the bad boys play.

One can attain Stage Eight while skipping Stage Seven, but most Stage Eighters have either done little lame websites at some point, or they've taken a crack at fanfic and so have done their time in the trenches. Not all fans have any interest in Stage Eight, some skip it and go directly onwards, but for many Eight is the place to be. These are the fans who have authored fanfic, got a half-dozen or more mailing lists under their belts, an extensive bookmark collection, a nice zip disk full of jpg's and wav's, and, most importantly, maintain large websites with a significant amount of information. Whether they be fanfic archives, character-specific information pages, fanclub info pages or episode guides, they've earned their stripes.

BNF stands for Big Name Fan. The BNF is well-known in the fan circles he hangs out in. People seek him out at conventions and wonder if he's coming. His name is brought up in USENET discussions and his opinion is sought. People he doesn't know address him by name. This stage is somewhat fandom-dependent...the smaller the fandom, the easier it is to become a BNF. They may have achieved fame in a number of ways: by helming large, oft-visited websites, by becoming reviewers, by writing
reams and reams of fanfiction or by doing fan panels at conventions. The possibilities are endless.

The final frontier. The psycho completist's entire world revolves around his or her fandom. They must have all the episodes. They must possess every single piece of merchandise and peripheral material ever made. They have seen every website, read every fanfic, met every actor. They have entire rooms full of stuff and bankrupt themselves to support their addiction. They are unable to converse on any topic without dragging it back to their fandom.

What stage are you in?

posted by:     ginnyskywalker      

Monday, February 17, 2003

5:14:49 PM
Inbox Campaign: February 17, 2003

There are only 23 more days to go before "New Worlds"!

Problems Anakin Skywalker Would Have If He Crosses Over To Other "New Worlds" Universes

  1. He keeps seeking the Mirror of Erised just to see that strange tall guy in black armor, helmet, and with a red lightsaber.
  2. "Are you an angel?" doesn't work on witches, shieldmaidens, slayers, and skeptical lady FBI agents.
  3. He upsets the Hogwarts house ghosts by asking them if they ARE "angels".
  4. Anakin to Saruman: "You will pay for all the Jedi you killed today, Dooku."
  5. Loading a Podracing Program on the Holodeck just doesn't give that much of an adrenaline rush as racing at Beggar's Canyon.
  6. He would try to buy droid spare parts from Gollum. (Gollum: We don't have the preciousssss! Anakin: So that's what Jawas look like without the hooded cloaks!)
  7. Not being able to resist the urge to Force-choke the living daylights out of Draco Malfoy.
  8. Would stabbing a vampire with a lightsaber kill it?
  9. He picks a fight with a regular at Ten Forward, chops off its arm with a quick slash of the lightsaber, and says "Jedi business, go back to your drinks."
  10. Dobby the House Elf looks too much like Master Yoda.
  11. He gets into a "predict the future" contest against Elrond and loses it because "The Dark Side is clouding everything."
  12. His droid-builder's self-confidence plummets when he sees Lt. Commander Data.
  13. He converses with Giles and thinks "Why in the world do mentors have weird accents?"
  14. His extremely high midichlorian count attracts otherworldly beings and certain top secret government organizations.
  15. He gets into a fight with Harry Potter: "I don't care if you are The Boy Who Lived. I am The Chosen One!"
  16. Padme catching him in the holodeck in a compromising position with a holographic Chancellor Palpatine.
  17. It's much easier to organize 10 thousand Uruk-Hai than getting clonetroopers to board a ship without hitting their heads.
  18. Preventing FBI agents from abducting Master Yoda and Gollum claiming they are 'little green men'.
  19. Mistaking Spike the vampire for Draco Malfoy's older brother.
  20. The ever frequent mix-ups between brooms, wands and lightsabers and alien anal probes.
  21. Getting a goal in Quidditch is not as much fun as winning the Boonta Eve Classic.
  22. Always getting dementors, ringwraiths and FBI agents confused.
  23. Always losing the smoking competition between him, Gandalf, Bilbo and the cigarette smoking man
  24. Mistaking Aragorn, son of Arathorn for Professor Snape... don't these guys ever use shampoo?
  25. That awkward feeling attending a 'deathday party' and facing all the Tusken Raiders he's killed.
  26. It's impossible to find a gas station for his swoop bike in middle earth while cruisin' for elf chicks.
  27. Quenya and Sindarin are not included in the six million forms of communication that Threepio is programmed to speak.
  28. Having to choose between Artoo-Deetoo/See-Theepio and Data/7 of 9 is no contest.
  29. The Uruk-Hai berserkers keep trying to light Artoo and blow up the wall of Helm's Deep.
  30. Too many "Chosen Ones".

Crossover to different worlds. Without the problems, of course.

New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention
March 12, 2003; Premiere THX Cinema Complex

posted by:     ginnyskywalker      

Sunday, February 16, 2003

2:41:04 AM
Excerpts from the Jedi Archives

After a series of panic attacks, decided to mobilize remaining Jedi forces. Plans formulated. Strategies approved. Ideas abound. Discussion going on as to what in the world The Force really is. This issue has been bothering Starfleet, the Hogwarts Headmaster, Giles, and Elrond. Mulder not bothered, he believes. But that other agent... care to take a guess on what she thinks about the Force? Master Windu overheard her whisper "Not another hokey religion" to her partner. Tsk tsk tsk. The Dark Side clouds her vision.

Also sending 3 Jedi Knights for more lightsaber training. Hopefully they wouldn't need the medidroids. Crossing fingers and toes.

Countdown clock on right hand side panel giving me the creeps and may induce another panic attack. Will go back to Jedi Meditation room.

posted by:     ginnyskywalker      

counting down

days until
New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention!

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The Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention Organizing Committee :: january 2003