Press Release: Your Ultimate Sci-fi Fantasy Will Come True
You saw them at New Worlds - The 1st Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention. You screamed. You cheered. You drooled. They are YOUR ultimate sci-fi fantasy come to life.
With the success of their debut performance, the Stormballs are on their way to stardom as they come out in: "Stormballs: The Movie". Featuring Stormball Small, Stormball Large, Stormball Extra Long, Stormball One Size Fits All, and of course, Darth Ball, fans of this fabulous group of masked (or rather helmeted) performers will soon see what's left of the 569th Legion... on the bigscreen!
It all started out as a band of troopers who were trying to make a living after the demise of the Empire during the Battle of Endor. But now, they are THE ultimate sci-fi fantasy.
Give in to YOUR Dark Side. Download the teaser trailer of "Stormballs: The Movie" at this URL: .... if you dare.
A Stormball does not know fear.... A Stormball does not know fashion.... A Stormball does not know the steps.... A Stormball does not know the crowd recognizes him.... But a Stormball knows how to shake his booty!!!
Release date is deferred for Hogsmeade pending the lifting of the Temporary Restraining Order handed down by the Ministry of Magic for Indecent Exposure. Will not be shown in all territories of Middle Earth. Mordor has banned the showing of the film. Smeagol believes Sauron hates the sight of the Stormballs because it burnssss his eye.
Disclaimer: Star Wars Philippines and the Star Wars Philippines Jedi Council and all its members will not be held accountable for any disturbing mental pictures or psychological damage caused by downloading the trailer.
New Worlds was a blast! Hard to see, the future is, but the Force tells me there will be a second Philippine Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, and it will be an even bigger event. :)
I am so proud of my Jedi Knights and Masters. Despite some logistical problems, we pulled through and had fun.
The Stormballs took the convention by storm (pardon the pun) and who knows, they might make an appearance in the next conventions. There will be more opportunities to see Stormball Small, Stormball Large, Stormball Long, Stormball One Size Fits All and Darth Ball in action soon. And maybe even the Grand Ball. And next time, the Dark Side will cloud nothing....
Lightsabre Fight Demo went well. Was a little worried about my Jedi in the beginning but they did an impressive job, and the attendees seemed to really appreciate their efforts.
R2-D2 an instant celebrity. What's new? The little droid is star material.
Was glad to be in the Convention with the witches and wizards, the FBI agents, the hobbits and elves, the Slayers, and the Starfleet. The Alliance worked. And wherever he may be, it looks like Darth Voldemort, Lord of the Dominion, Agent of the Hellmouth succeeded in his plans. There was fun fun FUN. :)
posted by: ginnyskywalker
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
12:15:04 AM Hobbits reconstruct the Gates of Moria while Jedi put together the Death Star Throne Room!
I know now how Bilbo felt when he was invaded by Dwarves at the start of his grand adventure to help reclaim treasure from Smaug the Golden. Jedi from SWP are crashing in my Hobbit hole to build the Death Star Throne Room. Whatever happened to the Empire's workshops? But, this hobbit is ever grateful for the help since there are only 2 hobbits trying to reconstruct what must have been the work of hundreds of Dwarves and Elves.
We will make it! May the Valar, the Force, and liters of coffee help us. Go boys! Cut those patterns!
A Starfleet diplomatic courier has just delivered a hand carried message. It would seem that Darth Voldemort, Lord of the Dominion, Agent of the Hellmouth, has just sent a universe-wide challenge. I have called a meeting for all Jedi, Elves, Slayers, FBI agents, Wizards and Starfleet officers to attend. The expressions on their faces were mixed when I read the message aloud. It said:
"Hey, Geeks!!! I challenge you to attend the upcoming event, New Worlds - The First Philippine Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention. While you've been hiding behind your TV sets and DVD players, I've amassed the largest army of fun in the known universe. I challenge you to have fun."
Fun, according to our historical database, is a stimulant that has not been used for hundreds of years. There seems to be a lack of it in the charted regions of space. If the enemy has amassed such an army, we must be careful and take it an event at a time. We must wear our Mossimo gear, alert our friends through our Globelines, read our Flip Magazines, drink our Lipton Iced Tea, eat our Carl's Jr. and listen to Joey Rhythms 92.3 FM for more updates. Until the final battle at New Worlds, we must be prepared for all the fun that we will encounter.